6th Rhine-Main Universities Day: Science Contest
Do you want to shape the future AND pass on your expert knowledge? Then we invite you to take part in the first RMU Science Contest!
Photo: RMU
The Science Contest will be held in the evening of 27 November as part of the Rhine-Main Universities Day. Interdisciplinary teams made up of RMU researchers will answer science-related questions which participants have always wanted to ask and which they can submit when registering for the Rhine-Main Universities Day.
The organizers will assemble the interdisciplinary teams for the Science Contest from across all three universities, and the teams will then compete against each other. The winner will be the team with the most convincing explanations and presentations.
The winning team will not only be rewarded with fame and glory, but also with a half-day workshop on science communication held by science journalist Dr. med. Florence Randrianarisoa (“Quarks”) in Mainz. All participating teams will receive a small thank-you gift.
Does that sound interesting to you? And are you up for innovative science communication? Then register now for the Science Contest! Send an email with your name, area of expertise and the name of your university to: gs@rhein-main-universitaeten.de (subject: Science Contest) and don‘t miss your chance to participate.
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- 6th Rhine-Main Universities Day: Science Contest (156.11 KB)