
Allianz: Mainz 1

Blick auf den Eingang zum Mainzer Gutenberg-Campus (Foto: Thomas Hartmann)

Gutenberg Campus Mainz

Research and teaching close to the city center

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Allianz: Frankfurt 1

Campus der Universität Frankfurt

Westend Campus of Goethe University

Body of Knowledge from Jaume Plensa symbolizes the interdependence of human knowledge.

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Allianz: Darmstadt 1

Historisches Maschinenhaus der TU Darmstadt. Bild: Thomas Ott

"Maschinenhaus“ at TU Darmstadt

Once a power plant, now a centre of teaching

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Allianz: Frankfurt 2

Hörsaal an der Universität Frankfurt

A Place for dialogue of people and ideas

Frankfurt's Audimax has 1.200 seats.

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Allianz: Darmstadt 2

Ein humanoider Roboter schaut in die Kamera. Bild: Sandra Junker

Look into my eyes!

Human-like robots from Darmstadt learn new moves independently.

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Allianz: Mainz 2

Ein Wissenschaftler des Exzellenzclusters PRISMA prüft ein selbst entwickeltes neuronales System zur Erfassung von Daten aus einem Teilchendetektor. (Foto: Thomas Hartmann)

High-level Research

JGU's Cluster of Excellence PRISMA exlores the properties of dark matter and the existence of new particles and forces.

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As outstanding research universities in the Rhine-Main area, Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz along with Technical University of Darmstadt have joined together to form the RHINE-MAIN UNIVERSITIES alliance. The universities have worked in close cooperation with each other for more than ten years, leading to an agreement to form a strategic alliance in 2015.

The Rhine-Main universities are situated in close vicinity to one another in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan region and offer a wide range of disciplines from medicine and natural sciences to humanities and social sciences through to engineering. With more than 95,000 students and 1,500 professors, they work closely in research and teaching, promote the mentoring of young researchers and participate in an exchange between academics, business and society.

The strategic alliance between the three universities increases their collective academic capacity. By joining together, they are able to complement each other’s strengths, promote strong research partnerships and expand the course and degree offerings for their students. This alliance not only strengthens the exchange of knowledge in the region, but also forms a strong network, shaping the Rhine-Main region into an academic hub that is globally visible and internationally attractive.


The Rhine-Main-Universities - Facts & Figures
The Rhine-Main-Universities - Distances