Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and Technical University of Darmstadt make up the RHINE-MAIN-UNIVERSITIES (RMU). The universities have a combined total of more than 95,000 students and 1,500 professors and cooperate closely in research, studying and teaching. These renowned research universities are shaping the Frankfurt-Rhine-Main region as an internationally visible academic hub.
Between them, the universities offer more than 630 degree programs, with courses covering the entire spectrum of academic fields. In the future, they will combine their research strengths to offer additional joint degree programs. The alliance will increase each university’s academic potential and create strong research networks.
Close cooperation and intensive exchange are essential for science and research. The Rhine-Main Universities consider themselves to be a driving force of interaction – between each other, in the region, with society and business, and internationally.
The RMU was founded in 2015 and is based on the idea of a powerful strategic alliance, led by a team of strong independent partners. Through coordination and close cooperation, they foster improvement in research, teaching, knowledge exchange, and administration and services.
The Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) have initiated a new project to promote innovation and entrepreneurship: The RMU Startup Academy was officially launched on 5 February 2025. The project is a cooperation of the Rhine-Main Universities – Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Technical University of Darmstadt – and their startup centers Goethe Unibator, JGU Startup Center, the startup office of the University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and HIGHEST. Its aim is to further improve support for startup teams and to extend startup consultation in the university cities through partially digitalized offers and synergy effects.
The human brain can be influenced – with regard to both sickness and health. On Monday, 10 February 2025, renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg will speak about risk factors promoting mental illness and resilience factors protecting against mental illness at the 7th lecture of the rhine-main neuroscience network (rmn²). The event “Gehirn und Umwelt – Risiken und Resilienz” ("The brain and the environment - risks and resilience) will start at 5 pm in building 505 H (Hörsaal Chirurgie, University Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Langenbeckstr. 1, 55131 Mainz). Entry is free, prior registration is not required.