Open Science Festival 2024: a recap

Six months ago, on 17 and 18 September 2024, the Rhein-Main Universities jointly hosted the third German Open Science Festival (OSF) on the campus of Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz. The festival under the motto “Meet, Share, Inspire, Care“ gave participants exciting insights into Open Science and, with a marketplace and poster exhibitions, also offered various networking opportunities. The keynote and lively panel discussions addressed topics relevant to society, such as the climate crisis and artificial intelligence – always with a focus on the importance and future of Open Science. Now it is time for a recap of a very successful event on a current and visionary topic. 

Bild: Open Science Festival

“The OSF was an impressive demonstration of how diverse and colorful science can be if it opens itself up to Open Science. JGU is convinced that Open Science does not only provide an important contribution to solving complex questions and challenges, but that its strength lies in the people who continuously and passionately work towards implementing good scientific practice”, emphasizes JGU president Prof. Dr. Georg Krausch. 

The fact that 160 scientists, students as well as employees from universities and research institutions participated in this year’s Open Science Festival clearly shows the great interest in Open Science. Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller-Stach, Vice President for Research and Early Career Academics at JGU, opened the event and welcomed the participants. The keynote on “Climate Crisis and Open Science“ was held by Prof. Dr. Johannes Vogel, Director General of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and Dr. Barbara Früh of Germany's National Meteorological Service (DWD). Both emphasized the urgent need for immediate action and the importance of Open Science for tackling global crises. Afterwards, participants had the chance to meet and network during a speed-dating session, which was a new networking format for the Open Science Festival. Numerous market stalls, a poster exhibition and the poster slam were additional attractions awaiting the participants. 

The lunch break which, thanks to the glorious sunshine, created an authentic festival feeling, was followed by an exciting panel discussion on “Transparency & Intelligence: Advancing Artificial Intelligence with Open Science”. Its participants addressed challenges and chances, in particular with regard to transparency, ethical standards, the influence of large technology companies and public access to data. In the afternoon, various workshops offered a deep dive into topics such as the complexity regarding the recognition of Open Science practices, geo data in the context of linked open data, Open Science meets Mastodon and open cultural heritage through citizen science. A joint festival dinner offering further opportunities for exchange rounded out the first day of the festival. 

The second festival day started with workshops aimed in particular at Open Science novices. This was followed by the second panel discussion which addressed a topic that is a pressing concern among the scientific community: “Data and Knowledge: Public Goods or Commercial Assets?” In a lively discussion, participants talked about whether data and knowledge should be considered as freely available public goods or as commercial resources. The experts on the panel not only highlighted the ethical and legal dimensions, but also the economic implications, in particular with regard to the role of the private sector. The debate and numerous contributions from the audience were an impressive demonstration of the key role this topic plays for the future of Open Science. The trio Body Electric, made up of (former) students of the Mainz School of Music provided entertainment during the lunch break. 


Another round of workshops was held in the afternoon, including topics such as Open Science and science communication, the creation of open scientific illustrations, as well as open education and open educational resources. The festival concluded with three inspiring ignite talks, before the baton for the next Open Science Festival was passed on symbolically to the University of Vienna, the host for next year’s event.

The Open Science Festival clearly showed that there are many topics with links to Open Science and highlighted the importance of discussing this. Open Science remains a forwarld-looking topic for the science community and will continue to have a transformative impact. 

Prof. Dr. Stefan-Müller Stach concluded: “Open Science and transparency in research trigger a cultural change that does not only promote cooperation, but also increases the quality and credibility of scientific findings in a sustainable manner. The Open Science movement needs this continuous engagement which benefits us all.”

Mood-Film OSF
Panel OSF
Keynote OSF
Posterslam OSF
Ignite Talk OSF