European Research Council awards prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants and ERC Starting Grants to top researchers at the Rhine-Main Universities

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded ERC Consolidator Grants and ERC Starting Grants to several researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Goethe University Frankfurt and Technical University of Darmstadt.

The following researchers have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant:

  • Prof. Dr. Julian Garritzmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) for his project “POLEDUC – The Politics of the Latent Educational Cleavage” focusing on the political fault line which is increasingly emerging between groups with different educational backgrounds causing a divide that is gradually emerging as a central axis of political conflict
  • Prof. Dr. Joel Thiago Klein (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) for his project “LSR – LAW, STATE, REPUBLIC: An Interpretation and Defense of a Kantian Critical Reflective Constructivism” examining whether new perspectives arising from Kant’s philosophy of law can make a contribution to contemporary normative challenges in political philosophy, to the philosophy of law and to political and legal theory

With the ERC Consolidator Grant, the European Research Council supports excellent, promising researchers whose research group is in the consolidation phase. The grant seeks to enable them to expand their own research area and conduct visionary, basic research. With a funding volume of up to 2 million euros for five years, the Consolidator Grant is one of the European Union’s most highly endowed individual funding measures.

The following researchers have been awarded an ERC Starting Grant:

  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Wahl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) for his project “Molecular Editing by Nitrogen Insertion – NINSERT”, which aims to facilitate the synthesis of new molecules that could serve as active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Prof. Dr. Eric Helfrich (Goethe University Frankfurt) for his project “COMBINE – Bacterial Alkaloid Biosynthesis off the Beaten Path: Compartmentalization and Non-Enzymatic Transformations in Non-Canonical Alkaloid Biosynthesis” focusing on how bacteria produce complex biomolecules that constitute the basis of many drugs
  • Dr. Hannah Uckelmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) for her project “EpiTransformers – Targeting epigenetic regulators during leukemia evolution” investigating how epigenetic changes can turn blood stem cells into leukemia cells 
  • Prof. Georgia Chalvatzi (TU Darmstadt) for her project “SIREN – Structured Interactive Perception and Learning for Holistic Robotic Embodied Intelligence” focusing on research on integrated software architectures enabling human-like robots to perform challenging tasks in unstructured environments
  • Prof. Justus Thies (TU Darmstadt) for his project “LeMo – Learning Digital Humans in Motion” aimed at the development of AI-based image processing and graphic tools to create lifelike digital representations of people for the immersive digital world
  • Dr. Alexander Tichai (TU Darmstadt) for his project “DeformedNuclei – Ab initio pathways to deformed nuclei” focusing on the development of new methods for investigating deformed nuclei and analyzing the effects of interaction models on the predicted nuclear properties
  • Dr. Pelin Tozman (TU Darmstadt) for her project “MAG-TOOL – New Sustainable Fe-rich Magnet using a predictive Alloy and Microstructure Design Toolbox”, where she researches resource-friendly, safe and affordable permanent magnets used, among other things, in electric vehicles and wind turbines

With the ERC Starting Grant, the ERC support excellent researchers who want to build up their own research team in the first few years after their doctorate and establish themselves scientifically with a promising research project. The projects receive funding of up to 1.5 million euros over a period of up to five years.

Website of the European Research Council (ERC)
Press release of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (September 2024)
Press release of Goethe University Frankfurt (September 2024)
Press release of Technical University Darmstadt (September 2024)
Press release of Goethe University Frankfurt (December 2024)