DFG Research Training Group "Organizing Architectures"

Research Training Group Organizing Architectures | foto: Uwe Dettmar (Goethe Uni Frankfurt)

The new Research Training Group (GRK) "Organizing Architectures", founded by the German German Research Foundation (DFG), was launched on 1 November 2024. The highly interdisciplinary study and research program with an international focus enables work from multiple perspectives on the conflicting priorities of the creation of architecture and societal processes. How do existing or planned structures shape (public) spaces and societal dynamics? How do societal processes and discussions materialize in architecture? And how does that, in turn, affect society? These questions are based on a broad understanding of the term architecture that includes both individual buildings and ensembles and infrastructures in urban planning.

The joint initiative of Goethe University Frankfurt, Technical University of Darmstadt, University of Kassel and the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory started with 12 doctoral students and two postdocs. They are accompanied in their research through a support structure covering perspectives from architectural and social history, sociology, urban planning, media science, legal history and human geography, regular colloquia for intensive exchange and a multi-faceted workshop program. 

A key focus of "Organizing Architectures" to give the wider public access to the research content. This is to be achieved, among other things, through regular public talks and readings as well as publications by the Training Group.

The Research Training Group will initially be funded for 5 years. A second group of doctoral students will start in 2026.