Tag 2 June 20
Tuesday, June 20
Online Event
10.30 – 11.30 CEST
Career Paths with a Doctorate: Where Do You Go from Here?
There are many career options for doctorate holders. In this session, we will give you a basic overview of the different options available in Germany, including the different career paths to a professorship.
Zoom Access-Code: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87661548036?pwd=VVBzNFZvQUl4b2lhTFBvdFZ1SHlqZz09
Online Event
12.15 – 13.45 CEST
Career Paths Outside Academia – Insights Into Careers with AI:
fun@work and the energizing Adventure of the never-ending Journey through Life and Relationships.
With the view and experience of two generations - junior and as senior (university degree/promotion in the 1980s vs. the years 2000+) - this talk provides insights into scientific careers and that in the future field of AI. Both speakers are in key positions between startups, university and other scientific and business organizations and can give insight into advantages as well as disadvantages of the different frameworks from their own experience.
This event is part of the lecture series Excellence@WORK – Gutenberg Alumni Talks in Natural Sciences, that provides insights into individual careers and professional perspectives for young scientists, drawing primarily on Gutenberg and MPGC alumni as role models and trusted advisors.
The Excellence@WORK lecture series is sponsored by the MPGC.
- Katrin Klauer, Project Management Mentoring for PhD students of the MPGC, Spin+X & PRISMA+, JGU Mainz
- Dr.-Ing. Patrick Stanula
- Dipl.-Math. Jürgen Halt
Zoom Access-Code: https://zoom.us/j/98167278666?pwd=ZXhTbnA3bGNxTS9RMjd2OWNFdnlGZz09
Online Event
14.30 – 15.45 CEST
RMU Benefits for Early Career Researchers
In 2015, the Universities of Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Mainz formed a strategic alliance to jointly enhance their performance. The promotion of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) is one of the main areas of cooperation. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of RMU regarding the qualification, funding, and networking for you as an Early Career Researcher, you are welcome to attend this session. You will also get an overview of the specific support structures and services for ECRs offered by each of the participating universities.
- Julia Häuser-Huth, Officer for Early Career Researchers, JGU Mainz
- Dr. Sybille Küster, Managing Director of GRADE, GU Frankfurt
- Eva Noller, GRADE, GU Frankfurt
- Dr. Angela Müller, Career Counsellor at Ingenium, TU Darmstadt
- Dr. Bettina Wagner, Managing Director of Ingenium, TU Darmstadt
Zoom Access-Code: https://zoom.us/j/97503375965?pwd=UGFNYXhnOHNHenB2MEh1ZzV0dm8vUT09