Tag 6 PCW23

Monday, June 26

Online Event

9.00 – 11.00 CEST
Research Data Management (RDM)
Professional management of your research data professionally is essential today. This means that your research data needs to be findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR). Professional Research Data Management (RDM) is also a prerequisite for many third-party funders. In this session, we will give you an introduction to RDM and present the services and infrastructure available to you at the Rhine-Main Universities.


Zoom Access-Code: https://zoom.us/j/92414874530?pwd=YnlVdGtHK1JTbDY0SXB2VVYrcGlrQT09

Online Event

14.00 – 15.30 CEST
Academic Career Paths: The Tenure-Track Professorship
In this session, tenure-track professors from Mainz, Frankfurt, and Darmstadt who are at different stages of the tenure-track share their experiences regarding the application process, the challenges of this career path, and the perceived benefits.  


Zoom Access-Codehttps://zoom.us/j/98564516520?pwd=NWFCL0N1RUJsZGZlVFdRRWdpQkdMQT09